
Archive for January 7th, 2008

It’s already 2nd week!!

Happy New Year!

I wanted to show my daughter how we spent on New Year’s day in Japan.
so.. first of all! I cleaned up whole house in December!!
That is called “Oh So-ji大掃除” and clean up house inside and out.
That means ( I think) thankful to this whole year and clean up dust during a year, then we welcome to fresh clean new yeaer.
Actually, I could not finish whole house…. while I was taking care of baby.
but… I cleaned up most of rooms, windows, blinds… etc!!!

I put our Japanese new year decoration on front door and side door.
I cooked Toshikoshi-udon( usually, toshikoshi- soba年越しそば, buckwheat noodles customarily eaten on New Year’s Eve. )

on New year’s day, we invited daddy’s parents.
I cooked Japanese new year meal for us.

From right top: Potato salad( mother-in-law asked me what else I wanted her to buy… so I requested it, just in case two of them did not like at all)

in middle(top): Chirashi zushi(ちらし寿司) that is a kind of Sushi.
rice with vinegar, some vegetables… and cooked very thin flied eggs and Nori(seaweed) and sesame.

right bottom:in Japanese box
3 types of beans(taste sweet), Chikuwa, Kamaboko, thick flied eggs.
Very traditonal one is different. we call Osechi and all foods have meaning why we have.

center (bottom): that is daddy’s(husband) plate
Natto mochi(rice cake with natto) and Natto- gohan(rice with natto)
He said he did not want to eat Mochi… but I insisted “That is New year!! eat!”
he just eat one mochi!!

left bottom: Inari- zushi(稲荷寿司) this is also one kind of sushi. I put Chirashi-zushi in soy beans bags with sweet soy souce.

His parents loved and enjoyed our Japanese new year’s meal!!
I hope our daughter learn and have one soon!!

Hope everyone have a wonderful new year!!!
Best wishes all!

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